

Friday, March 3, 2017

An Evening With Annabelle.

An Evening with Annabelle
By Ashley E Chancy

Movie Cinema has spent years instilling fear into audiences. Audiences that originally found no harm in small, comforting toys, But it wasn't until the debut of a special Raggedy Ann doll that sent the Horror Culture into a frenzy. Releasing in 2013, The Conjuring opened its film to introduce us to a doll by the name of Annabelle who took quite the liking to two young nurses. It caught us and encouraged our curiosity to seek out the tale of this demonic doll. Now, We've all seen our fair share of horrifying dolls from the Zuni Doll in 1975's Trilogy of Terror to 1988's Child's Play where we were left terrified of a Good Guy Doll, All the way to Billy from Dead Silence releasing in 2007. As frightening as those were, Annabelle left us craving more and more. Where did she originate from, How did she end up with those women? How were the two paranormal investigators going to contain this troubled spirit? We needed more and thankfully, James Wan along with writer, Gary Dauberman and film director, John R. Leonetti were able to deliver. The following year releasing in the fall of 2014, Annabelle hit theaters to give us the dosage of answers that we all sought out. It fell rather short compared to our first experience with The Warren's in The Conjuring, but that didn't mean that our answers weren't fulfilled. For those of you first learning of the experiences, Ed and Lorraine Warren were and are two of the most important and inspiring people in the Paranormal Realm. A couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to tune in to a live feed straight from The Warren Museum located in Monroe Connecticut. As of today though, They have closed the museum do to zoning regulations and are in the process of relocating. The live feed featured a very short movement of the Annabelle doll from one safe location within a small box to another. The feed included an introduction to Dan Rivera who is a curator for the museum now along with a gentlemen named Tony whom I can only imagine also works at the museum as well. We were advised that Dan would be handling the doll itself given that not only had he been blessed by a Catholic Priest, but his hands were also drenched in holy water and covered by gloves. They made it quite clear that skin contact to the ore of the doll would allow for demonic spirits to be transferred. Along with eerie music lingering within the background, Tony began the transfer with a reading of the St. Michael the Archangel Prayer.

“St. Michael Archangel, Defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, We humbly pray, And do though, O Prince of heavenly hosts, By the power of God, Thrust into hell Satan, And all the evil spirits, Who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”

It was only then that Dan would proceed forward to carefully lift Annabelle from her case and gently place her swiftly into the new case that he had built specifically for her. They added that she would remain there “until hopefully forever.” Tony continued and concluded the ceremony with a binding ritual once Annabelle had been placed into the new case and the door had been closed. The child inside of me had kept my eyes glued to the doll in hopes that something would happen.. I was left with slight disappointment as nothing had happened. Spirits though are.. Full of wonder and unanswered questions. As much as I had hoped that I could witness the unbelievable, I knew that the chances weren't very high. From personal experiences, I have come to believe that the spirits will make their presence known to those blind to the abilities that they possess. It's to those beings that the spirits are more likely to take control over. The innocent. The closed minded. Or to those who have completely opened their minds to the unknown. This live stream had more than two-hundred thousands views and within the room of four people who were more than prepared for such an event to take place. It was an unlikely time for the spirit to strike. Still... My mind was left to imagine the undeniable question, "What if?" What if the doll had moved? What if the camera's lenses had shattered? What if the case once closed simply, Fell over? We were left full of such suspense. I guess that's all part of the experience of the unknown though. The feeling of being left to wonder and think, "What next?" The World is full of things that no one can explain and for that reason, Most people tend to turn in the opposite direction of things that they simply don't understand, That they fear. I guess that's where my Team and I come into play. We run towards it with excitement.

Below, I have provided links to not only Dan Rivera's Facebook page which still contains the live stream from February 22nd, but also to the Warren's website. There it is filled with a variety of different articles to read over, including a tribute to Ed Warren himself as well a link to the actual “Evening with Annabelle” event that Dan and Tony will be hosting on March 11th of this year.

Until next time, Kiddies.. Always Believe.

Dan Rivera
Warren's Occult Museum

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