
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Marshall's Intro
I was positively thrilled when Max came to me with the proposition of starting our own paranormal investigative team/blog. I've always found myself to be extremely sensitive and susceptible to different energies, and have had many of my own experiences with what have appeared to be post-mortem entities. (Stories to come.) Though I've lived in Brevard County, Florida for most of my life, I have done my fair share of traveling, and look forward to the upcoming trips and endeavors to be taken with my best friend as we embark on this new and exciting journey of paranormal discovery. I am also, very much, looking forward to meeting and learning from other fellow "sheet-talkers" along the way.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Griffith Cemetery
Last night we decided to take a ride out to Griffith Cemetery. It's in the middle of no where down a dark dirt road. It has around maybe 30 graves, most of which date back to the late 1800s through 1900s. In the middle stands two very interesting structures. There is a 4 grave mausoleum and right behind that is a group of 12 trees circling one big tree.
The only thing we had to go on was local legend since there was no info that we could find on the internet. The story that a local told to us was back when he was a kid, there were rumors of groups of people that would come out there late at night to perform séances and such. He said his dad spoke of this place with disgust saying "there is just some dark energy in that place". We did take a couple videos and didn't catch anything but the wind blowing.
There was one strange happening. We were standing in the circle and we started to hear like a loud honking. It seemed to be coming from the tree tops. Cameras and audio did not catch this at all.
The only thing we had to go on was local legend since there was no info that we could find on the internet. The story that a local told to us was back when he was a kid, there were rumors of groups of people that would come out there late at night to perform séances and such. He said his dad spoke of this place with disgust saying "there is just some dark energy in that place". We did take a couple videos and didn't catch anything but the wind blowing.
There was one strange happening. We were standing in the circle and we started to hear like a loud honking. It seemed to be coming from the tree tops. Cameras and audio did not catch this at all.
Friday, January 20, 2017
We would love to hear our followers experiences with the paranormal. Please comment and share!!
Monday, January 16, 2017
For many years now I have gone to a number of sites trying to research and find haunted areas around me and learn their history. I always find it helpful when going to a place I haven't really visited before. One of the most helpful sites I have found is The Shadowlands. This is usually my go to when wanting to find new haunts as well. Just a couple days ago, the founder (Rev Dave Juliano) reached out to me and gave me permission to use this website, as well as others on our blog.
So, we have added a other people and reference links to the page for or readers to view as well. For more information on Dave and a look into what he does please check out his websites and books.
So, we have added a other people and reference links to the page for or readers to view as well. For more information on Dave and a look into what he does please check out his websites and books.
Rev. Dave Juliano O.S.M.
Owner of
Founder of
The Shadowlands -
Author of "Positive Energy for Haunted Homes",
"Ghost Research 101: Investigating Haunted Homes" and "Armor of God"
Negative Haunting Investigator for
South Jersey Ghost Research
Sanctuary ParanormalTuesday, January 10, 2017
New house, new spirits
I want to keep a running tab on the things we have experience since moving into this house. I wish I could remember the exact dates of each of the happenings but I will do my best...
We moved in November 15th. Nothing out of the ordinary was noticed.
The first week we started to notice doors and drawers were opening and closing by themselves.
Week two, while working upstairs in my office, I heard the front door open and a woman's voice say "Hello?". I went down stairs to check it out and the front and side doors were closed and locked.
Week four. We have been hearing foot steps going up and down the stairs. My office door is closed in the mornings. We heard a loud crack at night. Again we searched the house and found nothing. That net morning we found a tiny shelf with a mirror in it had cracked right down the middle. It was sitting n the floor in the corner with nothing around it to break it. It was 12:34 in the morning and we were in bed. We heard a loud thumb right above our heads like something was dropped in my office. We found nothing out of place. Lights have been flickering but not light to dim, more like light to brighter.
Week 5. We were getting ready for bed and heard something thrown at either the door or the bathroom wall that shares a wall with our bedroom. Again, nothing was out of place. The next day I came down from my office to find the front door wide open.
*this is all current as ok 1/10/2017*
We heard something slam again. After looking through the house again nothing was discovered. We realized the cabinet over the sink is now split right down the middle of the wood on the door. It's me belief that the only way to accomplish this would be so slam that door really hard.1/14/2017
*Update 1/21/17*
This post was thrown across the kitchen and laundry was found next to it. Laundry was at the bottom of the pile before hand
We moved in November 15th. Nothing out of the ordinary was noticed.
The first week we started to notice doors and drawers were opening and closing by themselves.
Week two, while working upstairs in my office, I heard the front door open and a woman's voice say "Hello?". I went down stairs to check it out and the front and side doors were closed and locked.
Week four. We have been hearing foot steps going up and down the stairs. My office door is closed in the mornings. We heard a loud crack at night. Again we searched the house and found nothing. That net morning we found a tiny shelf with a mirror in it had cracked right down the middle. It was sitting n the floor in the corner with nothing around it to break it. It was 12:34 in the morning and we were in bed. We heard a loud thumb right above our heads like something was dropped in my office. We found nothing out of place. Lights have been flickering but not light to dim, more like light to brighter.
Week 5. We were getting ready for bed and heard something thrown at either the door or the bathroom wall that shares a wall with our bedroom. Again, nothing was out of place. The next day I came down from my office to find the front door wide open.
*this is all current as ok 1/10/2017*
We heard something slam again. After looking through the house again nothing was discovered. We realized the cabinet over the sink is now split right down the middle of the wood on the door. It's me belief that the only way to accomplish this would be so slam that door really hard.1/14/2017
*Update 1/21/17*
**UPDATE 2/15/2017** I was in my office and no one was home. The animals were upstairs with me and we heard 3 loud knocks coming from the closet door. The animals freaked out and ran downstairs and hid in the bathroom.
**UPDATE 3/7/17** Again, in my office taking call for work and my entire computer started glitching out. At the same time both closet doors opened and the main office door shut. My cat also started running around like she was trying to get away from something.
** Update 4/14/17** Things have been so weird here as of late. We noticed activity spiking every 3 days or so then it goes dormant. Nothing out of the usual that I have mentioned has happened until this morning. I woke up to get ready for work and when I walked into the bathroom my fiancé was complaining of her neck burning. When I looked at her neck I found 4 big scratches right in the crease of her neck. I will post pictures later.
**Update 5/8/17 ** The same things have been happening with slamming and things being moved. We have entered some stones into the house to try and bring some good energy into the house. My fiancé was scratched once again but smaller marks this time. Last night we heard fingers or nails drumming on the walls and windows. She was also tapped on the shoulder while sitting in the office with me.
**Update 5/9/17** We have a local medium come out to the house with a 2 members of another local paranormal investigations team. We showed her through the house, not mentioning the activity that we have experienced yet. On the main level she said she can feel like there was something in the kitchen, or rather had been there because it wasn't now. As we traveled up stairs the air got hot and thick. It wasn't inviting at all. We kept the house around 71 degrees and upstairs was reading at 81. All 3 guests could feel the shift in the energy up in my office. 2 of them felt some sort of pressure. The medium stated that there was nothing here now once again but it has been recently. It was almost like it felt something behind that she can feel. She couldn't put her finger on it but it wasn't nice. I then started explaining to them what all has been happening in the last 7 months here.
** Update 5/30/17** A lot of strange things have happened in the past week. A growl was heard by me in the kitchen, the freezer door was found wide open, the toilet seat decided it wanted to slam itself in the middle of the night. Yesterday I was facing the window petting the cat Remi and heard a female whisper behind me. At the same time I heard the whisper, Remi jumped and looked in the exact direction I heard the voice. This morning while coming up to my office, I found the plug in oil thing turned on and also the closet light turned on. No one has been in the office since I left it Friday evening.
"Water baby bridge"

Concord covered bridge Built 1850, Smyrna, GA
Back in my time in Georgia, I had a favorite "haunt". My friends and I would ride out to Smyrna to see the Water Baby bridge. The story goes: Back when the wars were going on in west GA there was a nurse who gave birth to a set of deformed triplets. Being disgusted with how her children looked, she dropped all three children at an orphanage. This orphanage is located on the banks of Nickajack river on the corner before the Old Concord bridge. Now the triplets lived there a several years, and of course the other children were cruel because of how deformed the triplets were. The children lured the triplets down to the bank of the river with promises of candy. When they got there however there was no candy. The children pushed them in and let them drown. Now the legend is you can park your car in the middle of the bridge and put a piece of candy on the top of your car. Once the lights are off you can start to hear the triplets start to climb the bridge and on top of your car to get the candy!

Now for my experiences here: I heard these stories and of course wanted to investigate for myself. Three friends and myself took the drive out to the bridge on Halloween night.We parked right in the center of the bridge and turned the entire car off. We put a bite size snickers on top of the car. We weren't even waiting for a two full minutes before we started to hear noises and seeing shadows. We heard a big thump on the car and that was our sign to head on out. I started the car and sped out of the bridge. While rounding the corner i took a peak over my should to say something to my friend behind me. As I did, lighted by the passing street lights, I saw a child's hand print on the window. We pulled into a park just a few blocks down from the bridge. As we took a longer look at the hand printed, we realized it was from the outside.
I have been back to the bridge several times. Even during the day the middle of the bridge is almost as black as night. It probably doesn't help that it is a one lane, old, covered wooden bridge. I have had many experiences there. Some with the candy and some without. It almost never disappointed me when looking for a thrill.
The very last time I was ever at the bridge had to be the scariest experience ever. It was a normal night, just me and a friend. We pulled through the bridge and turned around so we would be facing the exit. I pulled the car to a stop and shut everything off and rolled down the windows. I was testing my luck. I wanted to see how crazy this could get. I sat there probably a good 10 minutes. Nothing was happening. I couldn't even hear the wind outside of the bridge or the water running under it. A very strange feeling came over my friend and I. Something was not right. I tried to start the car and it wouldn't start. We both at the same exact time had the feeling or urgency to get the out hell of there. Finally, the car started and we took off.
Going up the hill exiting the bridge there is a sharp turn with another smaller, open bridge to go across (pictured above). As we came speeding out and took the corner to get on that other bridge a huge black figure jumped out at us from the woods and screamed. The shock of it all almost sent me over the railing. I was lucky enough to have control of the car still. It was like nothing I have ever seen or felt before in my life. I have never been back since.
* This bridge is dangerous. It is not abandoned and does have daily traffic all throughout the day.*
Max's reasoning
The entire reason I am doing this is because of the experiences I have already had. From a very young age things have happened that I can not explain for the life of me. I have lived in haunted houses. I have been to some places that have weird energies or what not. I'm not saying that every story you hear is true but I (we) are here to document what we find and see. Besides all that, this is great to do with my bestfriend. I will also be posting past experiences for everyone to read.
Upcoming locations and investigations!!!
Starting out...
We are just starting out. We have done research and have made plans on places we will visit here in the near future. Most of out locations will be either in Kansas and surrounding areas and Florida. If there is any places you, the reader, thinks we should check out please let us know! We will be posting pictures, EVPs and videos of our investigations. We will also be posting interviews we do with locals and experts in this field. Please check back for updates as we investigate locations and speak with experts and witnesses.
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